Give Me Liberty!!!!

Give Me Liberty!!!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Is the Media Really Biased?

Tough to tell if the media is really biased.
I would say the greatest risk facing America (sorry Al, its just not global warming)is the Media turning into an Al Jazeera, Communist style brainwashing/propaganda machine. They did this for Bush when we went to war (never asked a question) and are doing it again with their undying love for Obama.

Are you biased if:

-- You wont release a video tape that show's a presidential candidate at a dinner that spewed anti-semetic hate, included friends of Arafat and the PLO, and had the candidate read prepared remarks praising the conversations said candidate had with this leader as enlightening and typical of conversations that should be had more often (i.e. show a compassionate side to terrorists)?

-- You throw your full support behind a candidate without any substance in fact with respect to the candidates policies, without vetting a candidates associations/dinner friends?

-- Your idea of research and vetting is "did you do it?" "OK, good enough for me."

-- You have one candidate on your show dancing on the stage and laughing and telling stories of said candidates childhood, while the other candidate is forced to defend the level of prosperity said second candidate achieved through hard work and a life voluntarily serving and defending your country?

-- You immediately knock anyone else that asks tough questions, and don't take issue with one candidate deciding to completely black list a small TV station for asking for interpretation of potentially dangerous and irresponsible commentary in stump speeches?

Just wondering.

Where there is smoke, there is more often than not a forest fire. Khalidi, Ayers, Rezko, Wright, Pfleger, PLO support, squashed video tapes, no birth certificate (3 suspicious days in Hawaii?), Farrakhan, admitted Marxist views (that's not a shot, read Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance), spread the wealth, welfare checks for 40% of citizens (who don't pay taxes today), Iran and North Korea are small compared to the Soviet Union and aren't a great threat to the US, air raiding villages and killing civilians, defund the troops in harms way.


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