Give Me Liberty!!!!

Give Me Liberty!!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

And the Whole World is Laughing...

If you listen to the politicians, all we need electric cars, hybrids, solar, wind and biomass. That way, we wouldn't have to use oil, nat gas, or coal, which all emit CO2. In some circles CO2 has become widely held as a pollutant. Of course, plants and cows, as well as the normal 40K year enviro. cycle that leads to warming and cooling like clock-work, may disagree.

In the interim, France, UAE, Brazil, China, Pakistan, India, and other countries are using nuclear to feed the grid. France and Brazil are nearly 80% independent because of their nuclear capacity.

Meanwhile, the US's biggest asset, its coal/nat gas reserves, are rendered useless as the US government convenes meaningless debates to tell us how dangerous coal is. Try plugging your car into the wall overnight when your energy sources is wind or solar. They are both volatile sources of energy. The sun doesn't sign at night and the wind doesn't always blow. In fact, both sources are best suited for midday peak demand loads, when you are DRIVING YOUR CAR. So when you wake up in the morning, and realize you only have a 20% charge and can't make it work, you can blame the EPA, which is sitting on dozens of nuclear and coal permits, debating about best practice solutions for how to keep the CO2 out of the air.

I am so embarrassed by this nation's energy plan. We are being laughed at. UAE is funding its nuke development with our money from oil. The Saudi's are driving CNG cars, as is Iran, subsidized with our money. China is stimulating its economy with our money.

We deserve it.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Change You Can Count On

After months and months of hearing about Obama's Change Doctrine, his new site,, lays out the following and only the following, as an agenda:

Where's all the 95% of Americans Getting Tax Cuts, Nationalized Healthcare? GEEZ, we don't have a policy yet? Ouch

It is NOT all OK

Two weeks ago, I had the misfortune of answering the phone in my parent's home. It was my mom's friend Margo(I will not out her by giving her last name). I had not spoken to Margo in a real long time--over 20 years. Margo's son and I were friends in High School and I thought it would be only polite to ask how things in general were.....WHAT A FUCKING MISTAKE!!

Margo told me, " in 2 weeks, everything will be OK," continuing with "I have not worked this hard in 30 years...we are going to make it happen!!" She was referring to the election and her hope of an Obama win. Funny I thought, this is an intelligent woman who really believes a change in Washington will bring a real fast change for the positive here in the United Socialist States of America. What she does not realize is her nice cars, 5 vacations a year, her husband's lofty take home pay--all going down. All going away in a big way. Good luck paying for your grand children's college fund-- you are going to be lucky to pay your bills going forward.....

Well Margo, I picked up my copy of IBD today and here are just a few of the top stories contained therein.

  • Unemployment his a 14 year high
  • Obama sees huge economic challenge(this gets bigger by the day and his tax cuts for the "middle class" seem more and more of a pipe dream)
  • GM and Ford cash burn raises fears of bankruptcy
  • Pending home sales fall 4.6%
  • Bush to call for Afghan Buildup
  • US leading indicators sink
  • Missile strike kills 13 in Pakistan
  • Shite leaders reject the "final" text of the U.S. - Iraqi security pact.


For an almost senior citizen, you sure don't have a clue.

One Good Thing out of Chicago: Milton Friedman

Bless his heart (sorry, had to make fun of Gov. Palin), But Obama appears to have made a sudden and sharp move to the right, putting him in the moderate camp quickly. What I like most, thus far, is what appears to be a mass admiration for and adoption of behavioral finance, which was brought up in a weekend Journal Piece.

Obama appears to be working closely with smarter people than I would have guessed, bringing people who actually apply common sense, logic, fact, and behavioral philosophies to the econ. debate.

I am by no means a believe yet, given the guy ran as a Marxist Socialist, which appears more inline with his past behavior than the current, just left of center bent.
With 200 Bush executive decisions on the chopping block, from Stem Cells to positions on global warming, I am sure there will be more to hate.

But at least with respect to my pocket, something good may come out of Chicago yet.

Housing: Cost the Election in More Ways than One

It's pretty clear that the election was lost, or won depending on which side of Spread the Wealth you sit, on the economy, stupid. I contend that it wasn't the downturn in housing the really caused the election to be lost, but the upturn in housing that led to urban sprawl and faux upward mobility, ultimately altering the demographics of previously strong Republican foot-holds, such as the Philly suburbs or even Nevada.

Suddenly and for the first time ever, the demographics moved in a meaningful way over the 8-year Bush administration. Not only did this alter the demographics, but suburban populations were suddenly more concentrated and easier to mobilize in get out the vote campaigns.

I'm not saying this was the biggest reason for the shift, but it sure had to be a contributing factor I haven't heard mentioned anywhere yet.

That's how McLovin roll's. And, as a reminder, "Muhammed is the most commonly used name on Earth. Read a fucking book for once." Sup.