Give Me Liberty!!!!

Give Me Liberty!!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

One Good Thing out of Chicago: Milton Friedman

Bless his heart (sorry, had to make fun of Gov. Palin), But Obama appears to have made a sudden and sharp move to the right, putting him in the moderate camp quickly. What I like most, thus far, is what appears to be a mass admiration for and adoption of behavioral finance, which was brought up in a weekend Journal Piece.

Obama appears to be working closely with smarter people than I would have guessed, bringing people who actually apply common sense, logic, fact, and behavioral philosophies to the econ. debate.

I am by no means a believe yet, given the guy ran as a Marxist Socialist, which appears more inline with his past behavior than the current, just left of center bent.
With 200 Bush executive decisions on the chopping block, from Stem Cells to positions on global warming, I am sure there will be more to hate.

But at least with respect to my pocket, something good may come out of Chicago yet.

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