Give Me Liberty!!!!

Give Me Liberty!!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

The IRATE ITALIAN speaks!!--to all you OBAMORONS

Good morning sports fans! An irate reader sent in this post, despite his refusal to sign up to post comments. I thought it interesting enough to post:

As the election nears we continue see people willing to turn a blind eye to the most troubling associations and lack of experience that a Presidential candidate has ever had in our history. For Some reason ABC, NBC,CBS and many well known newspapers dont enlighten people about associations of William Ayers , Rev Wright, Father Pfleger, Raul Odinga, Tony Rezko, Acorn, Saul Alinksy, Frank Marshall Davis, and Rashid Khalidi. Up until this year, these associations would of got you jail time let alone the Highest office in the land. After admitted Drug and drinking binges to " find his Blackness" by Obama and still half of the country doesnt care. Obama makes Bill Clinton look like a Sunday school teacher when it comes to inhaling or not inhaling. If a Replubican ever had these associations and lack of experience he would be hung by his toe nails in middle of the Capital Building and beaten by Granola bars. Why is it that there isnt more outrage by the Mainstream Media for the illegal activities Ohio regarding Joe Plumber? This guy asks a simple question about Obamas socialistic tendencies and his life gets turned up side down by main stream media outlets and by Obama supporters in the State of OHIO. Where is Al Sharpton when you need him? and other example of things to come under the Obama Dictatorship is the cutting off of News Outlets that ask them tough questions about Obamas own words. This is serious shit people and i am not sure why people want more BIG govt in there lives with a Democrat Liberal Supermajority. Fairness Doctrine ? I am remember my parents telling me since i was young ..Life isnt fair get used to it!! Now we have a country of people that want handouts from the Govt because they think they deserve it. (ROB PETER TO PAY PAUL, YOU WILL ALWAYS HAVE A FRIEND IN PAUL) Why is ok to Spread someone elses WEALTH to someone the GOVT deems worthy. I am not sure about you but every other Friday i get almost 50% taken out of my paycheck. WTF does that pay for ? should i paymore for a road you drive on more than me ? or should i pay more schools that my kids dont use if i want to send them Private school. Maybe i should get a rebate ? Its only fair right Obama? The top 10% of the country pays 70% of the Tax bill in this country and the bottom 50% pays 2.9 % ..Is that fair ? under Obama 95% Tax rebate plan those people in the 50% will get a welfare check. I am all for compassion for the poor but when i see poor people in this country have cell phones and drive more expensive cars than most of us. I lose compassion quickly. I truly cant believe people have become so Blind because they dont like Bush and blame him for the economic crisis. Do some digging on the economic crisis. You will find Democrats in congress blocking regulation against Fannie and Freddie. Fan and Fred were a major part of this crisis we are in now. Why are people so stupid to believe in "CHANGE" and " HOPE" is America really that bad that we need to CHANGE to a european style philoshpy.. the last time i checked we were the superpower in the world because of Capitalism and the free market. Germany and France have stagnate growth while America has growth leaps and bounds in over 200+ years of existence. McCain wants to reduce taxes for ALL.. raising taxes on anyone in this economy will be disatrous. (ebbs and flows people )(economic cycles)To all the people who think the last 8 years have been the worst 8 years ever just think about the Planes that hit the Towers and the Pentagon. Has any other president in recent history been in this situation? We were lead to believe WMDs from Russia , British and American intelligence were in IRAQ. After multiple attempts by the UN inspections teams to look for them, they were met by Saddam Hussein with guns(remember that guy). You have to be kidding me if you think they never had them. He had ample enough time to destroy or move them to Pakistan or other terrorist sympathizing countries. So we decide to finish what we started and not leaving IRAQ in ruins and people cry that we should come home. I am sorry, finish the job we started so we dont have to go back in 10 years when it really has WMDS in plain sight and my kids dont have to go back. a Quick Reminder.. Hussein committed genocide on 500k of his own people. in Afghanistan we defeat the Taliban which people forget also. Bin Laden is hiding in a cave some where but when we kill him unfortunately we still have Al Qeada .. Thats why we always have to stay on the offensive and not let him bring it home to the USA. Personal Safety and Economic Safety go hand in hand . to cut Miltary spending by 25% which is propsed under Obama will be a disaster.I have highlighted a few things not to vote for Obama and Vote McCain. There are too many negatives regarding Obama that i could write for 10 days and will prob lose my job. Obama is a smooth talking Lawyer and unfortunately alot of people are buying his SMOKE and Mirrors ...WAKE THE F UP PEOPLE.......IRATE ITALIAN

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