Give Me Liberty!!!!

Give Me Liberty!!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Who Gives a Flying Rat's Ass?

First off, my apologies for not blogging in several weeks. I know, it is not cool and there really is no excuse. With that said, I CANNOT BELIEVE WE ARE STILL TALKING ABOUT MICHAEL JACKSON!!!!! Seriously, you would think that we found him with a harem of 10 year old boys back at the ranch or something. People! He Died! Control yourselves and get over it!

I love google images. I really do. There is NEVER a shortage of images for me to slap down on these pages, regardless of the subject or the bizarre queries I send. Today I typed in...evolution of Michael Jackson. Here are the wonderful images it supplied. When you look, it is IMPOSSIBLE not to be shocked at the transformation. Come to think of it, after Thriller, where he was still looking black, his music was never the same and it seemed to deteriorate at a faster rate as his skin color grew lighter and lighter. Interesting....
Anyway, here are the images, enjoy.
Ahhh--the "old" Michael. The one with raw talent that would soon explode onto the world stage....

Still black!!! And with one of the greatest albums of all time.

The TRANSITION begins. WTF did this guy do to himself? How can that be the same person???

The EVOLUTION continues.....

and continues....clearly he is NOT human any longer.....

"EARTHLINGS....I COME IN PEACE....I MEAN YOU NO HARM....." Clearly this was one f'd up dude.

--The Angry Trader

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