Give Me Liberty!!!!

Give Me Liberty!!!!

Monday, September 29, 2008

The British Jumper Does Not Count!

So for weeks now, actually months, I have been looking for my “jumpers”. By “jumpers” I mean anyone in financial services, most especially Wall Street types who either jump out of their office building windows, jump off a bridge or jump in front of a moving vehicle.

So you can imagine the influx of IM’s, emails and other forms of contact that I received today highlighting that Kirk Stephenson, COO of Olivant Advisors, leapt in front of a 100mph moving express train in Berkshire UK this morning.

Sorry, that doesn’t count. Well, actually it counts as 1/3 of an American jumping—under the thesis that Americans are better and tougher than Europeans, so for every 3 European jumpers, that should equate to 1 American.

I still need 3. Any takers? 3 to me would signal a bottom. At least it would signal we are close to a bottom. Again, any takers? I still need 3.

Oh—if you ever wondered what it would be like getting hit by a speeding train, feel free to click on the following link--

—and get your barf bag ready before you hit play.

--The Angry Trader.

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